Monday, May 28, 2012

The 2,000 Percent Nation--Chapter 7

Chapter 7

What Voluntary Associations
Should Achieve

This is a copy of the letter that King Artaxerxes gave Ezra the priest,
the scribe, expert in the words of the commandments of the LORD,
and of His statutes to Israel:
Artaxerxes, king of kings,
To Ezra the priest, a scribe of the Law of the God of heaven:
Perfect peace, and so forth.
I issue a decree that all those of the people of Israel
and the priests and Levites in my realm,
who volunteer to go up to Jerusalem, may go with you.
And whereas you are being sent by the king and his seven counselors
to inquire concerning Judah and Jerusalem,
with regard to the Law of your God which is in your hand;
and whereas you are to carry the silver and gold
which the king and his counselors have freely offered to the God of Israel,
whose dwelling is in Jerusalem;
and whereas all the silver and gold that you may find
in all the province of Babylon,
along with the freewill offering of the people and the priests,
are to be freely offered for the house of their God in Jerusalem —
now therefore, be careful to buy with this money bulls, rams, and lambs,
with their grain offerings and their drink offerings,
and offer them on the altar of the house of your God in Jerusalem.

And whatever seems good to you and your brethren to do with the rest
of the silver and the gold, do it according to the will of your God.
Also the articles that are given to you for the service of the house of your God,
deliver in full before the God of Jerusalem.
And whatever more may be needed for the house of your God,
which you may have occasion to provide, pay for it from the king’s treasury.

And I, even I, Artaxerxes the king, issue a decree to all the treasurers
who are in the region beyond the River,
that whatever Ezra the priest, the scribe of the Law of the God of heaven,
may require of you, let it be done diligently,
up to one hundred talents of silver, one hundred kors of wheat,
one hundred baths of wine, one hundred baths of oil,
and salt without prescribed limit.
Whatever is commanded by the God of heaven,
let it diligently be done for the house of the God of heaven.
For why should there be wrath against the realm of the king and his sons?

Also we inform you that it shall not be lawful to impose tax, tribute,
or custom on any of the priests, Levites, singers, gatekeepers,
Nethinim, or servants of this house of God. And you,
Ezra, according to your God-given wisdom, set magistrates and judges
who may judge all the people who are in the region beyond the River,
all such as know the laws of your God; and teach those who do not know them.
Whoever will not observe the law of your God and the law of the king,
let judgment be executed speedily on him,
whether it be death, or banishment, or confiscation of goods, or imprisonment.

Blessed be the LORD God of our fathers,
who has put such a thing as this in the king’s heart,
to beautify the house of the LORD which is in Jerusalem,
and has extended mercy to me before the king and his counselors,
 and before all the king’s mighty princes.
So I was encouraged, as the hand of the LORD my God was upon me;
and I gathered leading men of Israel to go up with me.

— Ezra 7:11-28 (NKJV)

Can you imagine a volunteer project with the kind of earthly support that the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem had as described in Ezra 7:11-28? Remember that all the earthly support had its roots firmly based in heavenly favor. Keep this example in mind when you consider what voluntary associations can do to assist in creating a 2,000 percent nation. God can provide all the volunteers and resources needed to accomplish any of His purposes. Yet without someone leading a voluntary association to serve one of His purposes, great benefits on Earth and in heaven may not develop.
Voluntary associations provide many wonderful opportunities for God to test the hearts of His people. Those who are selfish either won’t become involved or will drain the organization’s time, patience, and resources just to serve their own narrow interests. Patience will often be tested while volunteering, helping to teach the importance of waiting on the Lord. Through any difficulties, some will learn to serve more selflessly, emulating our wonderful Savior, Jesus Christ.
Voluntary associations also offer great opportunities to engage in purposes that uplift the soul. No amount of success at most kinds of work can equal the joy of bringing a smile to a hurting person’s face.
Voluntary associations also provide great latitude for applying the spiritual gifts that God has provided to His people. Some believers will also be delighted to discover spiritual gifts that they didn’t know they had until serving in a voluntary association.
Finally, extraordinarily fruitful voluntary associations provide opportunities to attract the attention of people who are looking to fill a spiritual void in their lives. These works are today’s equivalent of Jesus’ amazing works in healing lepers, raising the dead, turning water into wine, and feeding thousands with but a little food. If those who participate in and observe the supernaturally aided results properly give God the glory, even more interest will be generated in the Gospel. As a result, some souls may be saved that might not have been.
While there are virtually unlimited ways that voluntary associations can help to establish a 2,000 percent nation, I would like to focus on just two of the more important ways in this chapter:

1. Equip youngsters with advanced improvement skills and encouragement for lifelong accomplishments.
2. Create Christian associations for serving the whole nation and communities within it by providing complementary Godly benefit breakthroughs.

We begin by considering how to better equip youngsters.

Equip Youngsters
with Advanced Improvement Skills and Encouragement
for Lifelong Accomplishments

And Saul said to David,
“You are not able to go against this Philistine to fight with him;
for you are a youth, and he a man of war from his youth.

— 1 Samuel 17:33 (NKJV)

It’s easy to underestimate what young people can accomplish with God’s help. Just as Saul believed that Goliath would easily destroy David while David was quite confident that God would bring him the victory, God may nurture great faith in preparing a young person to do amazing things, the fruit of which may continue forever. With such believers in place, God will have many opportunities to produce great blessings that will add to His glory.
Most voluntary youth associations are involved in building knowledge and skills to some extent. Rather than be satisfied with teaching youngsters only at the simplest level, why not offer advanced knowledge and skill development opportunities to those who are excited by opportunities to accomplish more, as David was in meeting Goliath’s challenge while the whole army shrank back in fear?
While many youth organizations have charters that are totally secular, the awesomeness of developing and implementing complementary breakthrough solutions will undoubtedly attract interest among volunteers and youngsters in understanding how such methods originated. After finding that these ways of doing so much more are a gift from God, at least some volunteers and youngsters are going to be drawn closer to the Lord. Naturally, if the organization’s purpose includes serving the Lord, such information can be shared from the beginning of a volunteer’s and youngster’s involvement.
In equipping youngsters, it’s important to take seriously their potential to make complementary breakthroughs with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Otherwise, young people may be annoyed by what they perceive as dismissive attitudes and accomplish far less than their potential in serving the Lord.
Naturally, limited knowledge and analytical skills may reduce what youngsters can perceive and evaluate. As a result, it will be important for volunteers with more knowledge and experience to serve in encouraging ways as research supporters. A good analogy is to the role that the chair of a doctoral student’s committee plays in providing structure, encouraging feedback, and offering sound advice on how to accomplish a student’s goals while leaving the student in charge of making choices.
To make such assistance easier to provide, voluntary youth organizations would do well to provide templates that show how to assist youngsters in accomplishing a variety of breakthrough goals by using complementary solutions. In many cases, video-based tutorials in how to use the templates will greatly increase the frequency and accuracy of their use. I also encourage creating videos about youngsters and volunteers who succeeded in creating exponential benefit breakthroughs by using multiple complementary solutions.
If in doubt about what to focus on while assisting youngsters to make a breakthrough, I suggest emphasizing encouragement over skill development. The combination of understanding what is possible and generating interest in doing more will be sufficient to draw almost any youngster into developing more than adequate skills over a lifetime.
Choosing the right subjects can add a lot of interest and increase what is learned. If possible, work on what excites an individual youngster rather than giving a standard assignment to each youngster. If asked for suggestions, encourage youngsters to solve frustrating problems in their own lives, in their own families, and for people they care about.
In some cases, permission to add such programs must be obtained at the international or national level of a voluntary youth organization before anything can begin. When that’s the case, I suggest that at first you simply seek an opportunity to conduct a limited experiment. Most organizations are fairly open to granting such waivers. Many are also very reluctant to make any major permanent changes. Gently probe, don’t push, when such reluctance is the case.
In other cases, no special permission may be needed. Find a local unit that needs volunteers and become one. When that’s the case, after you have had some success ask for opportunities to share your experiences with others in the organization and be prepared to help any interested leaders.
If many voluntary youth organizations can become active in these ways, the likelihood will greatly increase for most youngsters to have these learning opportunities. Praise God for this way of serving youngsters!
Let’s look next at creating Christian associations for serving the whole nation and communities within it with complementary Godly benefit breakthroughs.

Create Christian Associations for Serving
the Whole Nation and Communities within It
with Complementary Godly Benefit Breakthroughs

“For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth;
And the former shall not be remembered or come to mind.
But be glad and rejoice forever in what I create;
For behold, I create Jerusalem as a rejoicing,
And her people a joy.
I will rejoice in Jerusalem,
And joy in My people;
The voice of weeping shall no longer be heard in her,
Nor the voice of crying.

— Isaiah 65:17-19 (NKJV)

In some countries, many existing voluntary associations either avoid any connection to faith or have an overt orientation to a non-Christian religion. As a consequence, Christians may find themselves with limited choices of organizations to join for serving God’s purposes beyond what churches and various public ministries do.
My suggestion for Christians is simple: Add Christian versions of any voluntary associations that do constructive work. In some cases, it may be possible to establish such groups as units within existing voluntary associations. Because Christian organization members will then have opportunities to meet with both Christians and non-Christians during different aspects of what a voluntary association does, such a relationship can be quite helpful for spiritual fruit through witnessing.
Because some people may misperceive such new Christian organizations as being in opposition to what secular and non-Christian organizations do, Christians should explain that their new voluntary associations are simply ways to enlist God’s supernatural power in support of His purposes. When God then furthers what the Christian voluntary associations accomplish in remarkable ways, He provides another means to glorify Himself by demonstrating that He exists and is active in the world.
What other kinds of Christian voluntary associations should be established? Rely on Bible study, prayer, and listening to the Holy Spirit to direct you beyond paralleling what already exists in secular and non-Christian voluntary associations.
If you would like a bit more guidance than that, you might begin by studying, praying about, and thinking about spiritual gifts and spiritual fruit. Then, look around to find opportunities to apply spiritual gifts in fruitful activities such as witnessing, encouraging sanctification, and increasing focus on God.
While I don’t want to presume to steer you toward a specific opportunity, let me describe a new type of Christian voluntary association that I would personally like to join. Perhaps this example will help to understand more inspiration from the Holy Spirit.
Currently, there’s a lot of division in society between those who primarily rely on the Bible to determine God’s truth and those who focus, instead, on the latest scientific knowledge and theories. Sharing thoughts from the two perspectives is a little like two people trying to converse who don’t share a common language. If you bring together people from the two perspectives, you may generate more heat than light for those involved.
I would like to be part of a Christian voluntary association that seeks independent evidence of what the Bible says based solely on human research and thinking, whether the disciplines involved are science, history, archeology, or any other secular field. My purpose in wanting to be involved relates, in part, to the Holy Spirit directing me to help create Investigation Centers where people seeking more evidence of the Gospel’s truth could find additional objective sources to answer their questions and to satisfy any concerns they have. After being involved with such an association, I would certainly learn a lot more about what sources should go into the Investigation Centers.
Another part of me is attracted to the opportunity of having more discussions with those who are interested in expanding their understanding of the Bible by drawing on more perspectives. For instance, medical descriptions of what happens to a dead person and to someone with leprosy have made my study of Jesus’ miracles much more profound and have deepened my faith. I’m sure many people know or could direct me to such practical details about famous Bible passages that would enormously increase my appreciation for the kingdom of God.
In providing this example, I deliberately chose something that’s well beyond what most churches could hope to accomplish solely through their resources. I certainly thank and appreciate all the gifted Bible teachers who have taken the time to learn fact-based details that add color and meaning to Scripture. It is my sincere appreciation for how valuable such teachings have been that make me want to know more.
In the context of creating a 2,000 percent nation, there’s also the obvious opportunity of selecting purposes for new Christian voluntary associations that focus on places and aspects of life where a nation isn’t being very fruitful in terms of the spiritual, moral, health, emotional, and physical dimensions described in Chapter 1.
I also see such new Christian voluntary associations as being especially productive places to combine Bible study, prayer, and focusing on the Holy Spirit’s directions with practical methods for defining and implementing complementary benefit breakthroughs in these same aspects of national, regional, and local fruitfulness. To date, my impression is that pursuit of the two types of knowledge has been kept separate by many people. Since all these sources are God inspired, I believe that’s a missed opportunity to be more fruitful.
One of the great benefits for those involved with such associations will be adding fruitful fellowship opportunities to what their current church- and ministry-related activities provide. If you are like me, I’m sure you have had many occasions where you would have liked to discuss with fellow believers important issues about work or your personal life that are well beyond the direct knowledge and experience of your pastors and fellow congregants.
In addition, the accomplishments of such associations will be a great beacon drawing the attention of those who would like to see proof of God’s existence and goodness before committing their lives to serve Jesus as their Lord. Imagine how much more of this kind of appeal would be present in a nation that is filled with hundreds of thousands of such Christian voluntary associations accomplishing works that could only be possible due to God’s grace and whose participants freely and happily give God the glory for what has occurred.

Having raised the idea of combining more kinds of knowledge to become more fruitful, it is fortunate that our next discussion, found in Chapter 8, focuses on ways that foundations can encourage advanced learning about making complementary benefit breakthroughs for Godly purposes.

Copyright © 2007, 2010, 2011, 2012 by Donald W. Mitchell.
All rights reserved.

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Scripture quotations marked (NKJV)
are taken from the New King James Version.
Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.
Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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