Monday, May 28, 2012

The 2,000 Percent Nation--Chapter 8

Chapter 8

What Purposes Foundations
Should Seek to Fulfill

Thus says the Lord GOD:
“I do not do this for your sake, O house of Israel,
but for My holy name’s sake,
which you have profaned among the nations wherever you went.
And I will sanctify My great name,
which has been profaned among the nations,
which you have profaned in their midst;
and the nations shall know that I am the LORD,” says the Lord GOD,
“when I am hallowed in you before their eyes.
For I will take you from among the nations,
gather you out of all countries,
and bring you into your own land.
Then I will sprinkle clean water on you,
and you shall be clean;
I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols.
I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you;
I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh
and give you a heart of flesh.
I will put My Spirit within you
and cause you to walk in My statutes,
and you will keep My judgments and do them.
Then you shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers;
you shall be My people, and I will be your God.
I will deliver you from all your uncleannesses.
I will call for the grain and multiply it,
and bring no famine upon you.
And I will multiply the fruit of your trees
and the increase of your fields,
so that you need never again bear the reproach
of famine among the nations.

— Ezekiel 36:22-30 (NKJV)

To improve understanding of His power, goodness, and holiness, God is prepared to multiply physical resources, such as grain, fruit, and other crops, for righteous nations as is described by Ezekiel 36:22-30 (NKJV). Such multiplied physical benefits are also provided to encourage His people in a nation to be cleansed of sin through gaining Salvation by repenting and accepting the risen from death Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. While God can do much more than we can ask or think in these regards (Ephesians 3:20, NKJV), it’s clear that He waits for us to seek Him before our hearts, minds, souls, and hands will be able to touch and apply all the infinite wisdom and abundance that He wants to provide.
Sometimes people need help to reach the assistance they require. Think of a person who can’t swim who sees a swimmer struggling with a cramp. What can be done? Unless a lifeguard or a good swimmer is around who can be alerted to the problem, there’s very little. If there’s a flotation ring tied to a rope in the vicinity, the nonswimmer can toss the ring until it is grasped and then pull the person to safety.
In a similar way to the person tossing the flotation ring, I believe that foundations (typically nonprofit organizations founded under special legislation and sustained by gifts to advance some public purpose such as research, expanding the arts, or making information available, such as the Rockefeller Foundation) can play an unusually important role by reaching out to God to gain the information and knowledge that He wants us to have to expand fruitfulness exponentially in all the Godly dimensions of a 2,000 percent nation. After foundations have received this heavenly information and knowledge, they can spread what they learn to those who are less able to acquire and to use what He wants to provide.
Foundations are also important because they provide practical support and credibility for those who lack the resources to work on making important breakthroughs, encouragement to dream of accomplishing more than people otherwise might, and guidance based on their experience for how to engage in accomplishing breakthrough tasks.
Yet some foundations are based on philanthropic principles primarily designed to bring glory to the founder, to the foundation’s leadership, to large donors, or to project leaders rather than to God. God isn’t likely to be impressed by and may not often support such approaches to gaining personal glory at the expense of upholding His name and glory.
Due to legal limitations on changing their purposes, many foundations cannot easily adopt a Christian purpose. However, foundations in the formative stage can choose to engage only in serving the Lord. Since all our natural and supernatural resources come from God, it’s clear that just a few physical resources supplemented by His supernatural support will be more than enough to produce whatever God wants done in making breakthroughs for establishing and improving 2,000 percent nations.
As a result of these opportunities and practices, this chapter is directed toward what Christian foundations should be doing, regardless of where they are located. Even a Christian foundation in a nation where rebellion against God is rapidly increasing can provide valuable support for breakthroughs that will help establish and improve 2,000 percent nations elsewhere. Christians at secular foundations may also find the chapter’s contents to be relevant by making them aware of the potential benefits of supporting Christian foundations in undertaking aspects of tasks that would not be permitted under their own secular foundation’s charter. Secular foundations may also find opportunities to support projects that will build upon the successes of the Christian foundations.
While there are a great many things that Christian foundations could potentially accomplish in furthering 2,000 percent nations, I focus in this chapter on just the following four roles for what such foundations should do:

1. Support projects that will simultaneously multiply more kinds of complementary, exponential benefit increases for Godly purposes.
2. Teach those who propose projects how to devise ways to simultaneously multiply more kinds of complementary, exponential benefit increases for Godly purposes.
3. Assist proposal writers and project leaders to multiply more kinds of complementary, exponential benefit increases for Godly purposes in their proposals, plans, and implementation.
4. Redirect foundations’ assistance and support toward projects that successfully multiply more kinds of complementary, exponential benefit increases for Godly purposes that will be very rapidly expanded by others beyond their initial scopes.

In this chapter, I won’t be addressing very many aspects of how best to accomplish these four roles. If that subject is of interest, please read Chapter 7 of Help Wanted to learn more.
We begin by considering the subject of supporting projects that will simultaneously multiply more kinds of complementary, exponential benefit increases for Godly purposes.

Support Projects That Will Simultaneously Multiply
More Kinds of Complementary, Exponential
Benefit Increases for Godly Purposes

Moreover he commanded the people who dwelt in Jerusalem
to contribute support for the priests and the Levites,
that they might devote themselves to the Law of the LORD.
As soon as the commandment was circulated,
the children of Israel brought in abundance the firstfruits
of grain and wine, oil and honey, and of all the produce of the field;
and they brought in abundantly the tithe of everything.
And the children of Israel and Judah, who dwelt in the cities of Judah,
brought the tithe of oxen and sheep;
also the tithe of holy things
which were consecrated to the LORD their God they laid in heaps.

— 2 Chronicles 31:4-6 (NKJV)

Supporting only projects that will produce the most benefits for Godly purposes can help create and improve 2,000 percent nations by locating better ways to serve God, by encouraging others to provide their resources and efforts to support and to expand the same projects, and by multiplying benefits that can generate more resources and efforts for Godly purposes. The opportunity is similar (but on a more limited scale and with much less Earthly authority) to when Hezekiah began serving God and commanded the children of Israel and Judah to do the same with their tithes as described in 2 Chronicles 31:4-6 (NKJV), which released the blessings that God promised to those who tithe (Malachi 3:10-12, NKJV).
In only supporting projects for Godly purposes that will multiply more kinds of complementary, exponential benefit increases, it’s important to make people aware that this goal is being sought and to publicize any results that God has blessed to draw more attention to the lessons of such projects. Helping people learn about such highly beneficial practices is important because in devising projects many people choose to look quite narrowly at what kinds of benefits to provide. Yet God is able to use the Holy Spirit to direct those leading the projects to provide many more kinds of benefits simultaneously in all dimensions of what a 2,000 percent nation should be accomplishing.
Christian foundations can publish proposal guidelines to encourage such expanded benefit dimensions. Those who lack resources to accomplish Godly purposes often look at foundations’ proposal guidelines to identify what should be included in the purposes and scope of a project and the plans for how to accomplish the work. In addition, God can also use His Holy Spirit to direct the people He wants to work on such projects to find the proposal guidelines as a way to inform them of what He wants done. In so doing, the fullness of God’s purposes and what’s truly possible with God’s help can be more completely appreciated by more people.
In setting a good example by only supporting projects that will help establish or improve 2,000 percent nations by providing exponential increases in many kinds of benefits, Christian foundations can also influence secular foundations to seek to accomplish more Godly results from the projects that they support. In the process, God will be able to make better use of the people, efforts, and resources committed to all foundations.
Further, those who are attracted to challenging problems will be encouraged to work on serving more Godly purposes after being impressed by the conceptual beauty and inspiration of trying to accomplish more things at one time in producing multiple dimensions of benefit increases with the help of employing many complementary breakthroughs. Consequently, even some of those who live in opposition to God may find themselves being drawn through their desires to meet challenging goals into serving His purposes.
In time, some Christian foundations may find it helpful to compare the fruitfulness of supporting such beneficial projects with the fruitfulness of what they had done previously. Sharing such results can inform all Christian foundations about the usefulness of this approach for selecting projects to support and can encourage other Christian foundations to do the same. Broader publicity about the fruitfulness of this approach can then inform those who are thinking about establishing new foundations or making large contributions to existing ones so that their gifts and support will more often be directed toward supporting God’s will in establishing and improving 2,000 percent nations.
Undoubtedly, such measurements might also create interest at some secular foundations in choosing to seek the same kinds of benefits, simply to be good stewards of the purposes that their founders originally established and the resources they are applying. As a consequence, some foundation charters may even be adjusted into alignment with more Godly purposes.
Let’s look next at the benefits of teaching those who propose projects how to devise ways to simultaneously multiply more kinds of complementary, exponential benefit increases for Godly purposes in establishing and building 2,000 percent nations.

Teach Those Who Propose Projects
How to Devise Ways to Simultaneously Multiply
More Kinds of Complementary, Exponential
Benefits Increases for Godly Purposes

Now may He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food,
supply and multiply the seed you have sown
and increase the fruits of your righteousness,
while you are enriched in everything for all liberality,
which causes thanksgiving through us to God.
For the administration of this service not only supplies the needs of the saints,
but also is abounding through many thanksgivings to God,
while, through the proof of this ministry,
they glorify God for the obedience of your confession to the gospel of Christ,
and for your liberal sharing with them and all men,
and by their prayer for you,
who long for you because of the exceeding grace of God in you.
Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!

— 2 Corinthians 9:10-15 (NKJV)

While meeting with people who propose projects to foundations, rarely did anyone tell me how they first sought God’s directions for what they should attempt to accomplish and how to do so. Instead, many such project proposers were initially driven by heartfelt desires to ease burdens on particular people or to advance some helpful knowledge or process that they had developed. Because of such narrow interests, no set of proposal guidelines published by a Christian foundation is, by itself, going to expand Godly awareness and knowledge of the most fruitful practices among project proposers as far as such knowledge needs to be increased.
Teaching proposers how to pick better objectives and ways to accomplish them will helpfully shift focus much more than will solely adjusting proposal guidelines. Most foundations don’t invest much in helping those who write proposals to develop better ones. To begin doing so sends a powerful message that paying attention to this new knowledge is essential to gaining support from a particular foundation. In addition, the resulting teaching interactions will provide opportunities to explain more fully why it is important to devise more ways to simultaneously multiply more kinds of complementary, exponential benefit breakthroughs for Godly purposes.
In communicating that importance, there are two sets of information that should be shared:

1. Information drawn from the Bible to show the importance of gaining God’s knowledge and supernatural support.
2. Documentation of how much more valuable such results are than from what following more conventional purposes and methods produces based on actual experiences in accomplishing both kinds of projects.

Christian foundations also need to appreciate that most project proposers have deeply ingrained habits that won’t be easy to shed without plenty of encouragement and support. To improve, proposers must identify their own and their organizations’ stalls (harmful thinking habits), select appropriate stallbusters, become familiar with the 2,000 percent solution process, and put together complementary breakthrough solutions that deliver a multiplicity of exponentially increased benefits for Godly purposes. Just to become familiar with the key information and to apply it to a single proposal can require many dozens of hours for an individual and even more time for a team. By incorporating such teaching into the processes of sending a query, evaluating what has been provided and delivering feedback about potential interest in supporting a proposal, and later developing the proposal, Christian foundations and their staffs can expect to gain large improvements in the results of the projects that are funded by them.
I also encourage foundations to provide commentary on any proposals that are received in terms of their suitability for providing Godly purposes in the right multiplicity of ways and amount of benefits. As a result, those who write proposals will learn faster to prepare ways for helping to establish and to strengthen 2,000 percent nations.
Just teaching such information and processes isn’t enough for Christian foundations to do. Let’s look next at assisting proposal writers and project leaders to multiply more kinds of complementary, exponential benefit increases for Godly purposes in their proposals, plans, and implementation.

Assist Proposal Writers and Project Leaders
to Multiply More Kinds of
Complementary, Exponential Benefit Increases
for Godly Purposes
in Their Proposals, Plans, and Implementation

I commend to you Phoebe our sister,
who is a servant of the church in Cenchrea,
that you may receive her in the Lord in a manner worthy of the saints,
and assist her in whatever business she has need of you;
for indeed she has been a helper of many and of myself also.

— Romans 16:1-2 (NKJV)

Being a professor has taught me that interacting with people while they work on a project accelerates learning and improves results in more and greater ways than would otherwise be accomplished. Students usually have no idea how much they can accomplish until they are nudged to do more along the most fruitful paths. Otherwise, many students would do nothing about potential aspects of a project that turn out to be the most beneficial.
Many people who evaluate work are reluctant to become involved in offering suggestions for improvement to those who are preparing to be evaluated. Evaluators rightly fear that objectivity may be lost and that they will simply shape the work’s appearance to please themselves without gaining much substantive improvement.
Such concerns can be guarded against by having those who assist proposal writers and project leaders not be the same people who will ultimately decide which proposals to support. It’s easiest to appreciate how this might be done if those who assist aren’t part of the foundation, such as certified tutors with experience in developing multiple breakthroughs for many simultaneous dimensions of blessings that help create and improve 2,000 percent nations.
An even more powerful safeguard is to eliminate any communications between those who assist proposal writers and project leaders and the foundation staffers who evaluate proposals and conduct oversight on approved projects during implementation. Of course, those who provide the assistance will need continuing communications with those who can explain the Christian foundation’s latest thinking about what it is trying to accomplish, what it has been learning about becoming more effective in working with project proposers and leaders, and what shifts would be the most useful in how proposals are written and projects are conducted.
To make such guidance more valuable, each Christian foundation should develop its own measures of what results were anticipated for various projects that were and were not supported, what results were actually accomplished (including projects that were turned down by this foundation but that were later supported by a different one), and what those involved concluded about the causes of outstanding performance and underperformance.
Christian foundations should carefully measure the effectiveness of such assistance so that it can be continually improved. I suspect that helping proposal writers to locate breakthrough practices for producing exponential increases in more kinds of Godly benefits will often be the most effective use of such resources.
Some may be concerned that the cost of providing such assistance will reduce the number of projects that can be funded by a Christian foundation. Such a reduction could certainly be a short-term consequence due to needing to add expenses for assistance before any benefits are received from completing the projects. However, over time improved projects that have benefited from such assistance will require fewer resources and accomplish more. As evidence of this point, I simply note that the fruitfulness of the 400 Year Project has continually expanded in exponential ways to add new kinds of benefits while greatly reducing the resources required.
Finally, let’s study redirecting Christian foundations’ assistance and support toward projects that successfully multiply more kinds of complementary, exponential benefit increases for Godly purposes that will be very rapidly expanded by others beyond their initial scopes.

Redirect Foundations’ Assistance and Support toward Projects
That Successfully Multiply More Kinds of
Complementary, Exponential Benefit Increases
for Godly Purposes That Will Be Very Rapidly Expanded
by Others beyond Their Initial Scopes

For you shall expand to the right and to the left,
And your descendants will inherit the nations,
And make the desolate cities inhabited.

— Isaiah 54:3 (NKJV)

As desirable as it would be for a single Christian foundation to assist in reforming all countries to become 2,000 percent nations by funding just one project, a more likely outcome is that many projects will demonstrate partial ways to proceed that others can copy. In most cases, slavish repetition of the first success is the most that can be expected. For instance, if a project shows how to make interactive online Bible studies simultaneously accessible and compelling to large numbers of people, many excellent Bible teachers could be expected to employ such methods for their own Bible studies. In such an instance, multiple kinds of Godly benefits might be gained through greater sanctification of believers. If a Christian foundation were presented with four proposals to make interactive online Bible studies simultaneously accessible and compelling to large numbers of people, it should favor the proposal (all else being similar) that is most likely be duplicated by others due to its simplicity, its ease of implementation, and its appeal.
To gain such a perspective will probably require a foundation conducting research to assess the likely expansions that would follow a successful project. In general, projects with similar objectives and methods might also present differences in likelihood of success, duration, cost, and difficulties to overcome. All these aspects need to be assessed as well.
In most cases, there won’t probably be any directly comparable alternative proposals. Instead, one proposal might be for interactive online Bible studies while other proposals might focus on evangelism, training witnesses, and providing new Bible study materials. Christian foundations are familiar with such difficulties in making comparisons, and each one has undoubtedly developed methods for making proposals that are about “apples” and “oranges” more comparable for evaluation purposes.
While not doubting the importance of such comparison measures, let me, instead, draw your attention to some other dimensions of dissimilar projects that should be considered. One of such dimensions is how readily and likely it is that other complementary breakthroughs could be added to the proposal by others. Each such breakthrough represents the opportunity to multiply the benefits that the project already hopes to deliver by another twenty times. Two such breakthroughs can multiply benefits by an additional 400 times, and so forth. Thus, a project that’s likely to be combined with five future complementary benefit breakthroughs should be vastly preferred over one that will be combined with only two.
I cannot emphasize this point too much, especially since it’s highly unlikely that any Christian foundations are currently considering this kind of potential. Some may excuse that missed opportunity by pointing out that not many foundation projects currently gain benefits from later adding complementary breakthroughs. Such an argument is like being satisfied that few people are gaining Salvation in a country where there are few Christians to share the Gospel and to be witnesses. By simply focusing on seeking such opportunities to add complementary breakthroughs and encouraging them to be added, Christian foundations can greatly multiply the resources that God has provided to them.
Christian foundations also should take into account whether the project’s lessons can also be applied for a different Godly purpose for advancing 2,000 percent nations. For instance, a method for making interactive online Bible studies more effective could easily reveal lessons for training and encouraging witnesses. Those who evaluate proposals might have an urge to throw up their hands in frustration after reading this suggestion. They might properly wonder how they might correctly evaluate such a factor by using only their own resources. Certainly, it requires faith to appreciate that the Holy Spirit can easily provide whatever is needed to make difficult evaluations.
Preparation can help, too. Proposal guidelines can ask for projects to address other potential applications for what is to be learned. Those who assist proposal writers can also encourage making such opportunities explicit and providing the best available evidence for them. I believe that wise Christian foundations may also direct proposal writers to amend their proposals so that the validity of such potential applications will be demonstrated in inexpensive, preliminary ways before the proposal receives its final evaluation.
Let me leave you with one final thought about assisting and supporting the most fruitful projects: Be sure to consider the fruitfulness likely to be derived from receiving any intended benefit increases for Godly purposes in establishing and increasing 2,000 percent nations. Think of this as examining second-order effects of adding fruitful benefits. For instance, the person who attends a more effective interactive online Bible study will know the Word better and may also produce more fruit for the Lord in sharing the Gospel, witnessing, and doing works that inspire other Christians to become more fruitful.

In Chapter 9, we turn our attention next to what social enterprises should work on. I’ll explain more about what a social enterprise is in the beginning of that chapter.

Copyright © 2007, 2010, 2011, 2012 by Donald W. Mitchell.
All rights reserved.

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Scripture quotations marked (NKJV)
are taken from the New King James Version.
Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.
Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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